
Gjennom intensivt samarbeid med mer enn 20 ulike europeiske organisasjoner har vi vært i stand til å utvikle innovative løsninger for opplæring og videreutdanning i arbeids- og utdannings hverdagen til våre målgrupper i mer enn 11 internasjonale utdanningsprosjekter. LoPe fungerer som initiativtaker, leder og prosjektpartner. Dette prosjektarbeidet bidrar til kontinuerlig forbedring av vårt opplæringstilbud for ulike målgrupper og gir nye modeller for personlig og faglig kvalifisering.

Action for Future – How to Initiate Active Engagement of Young Adults in European Local Communities and Societies

The Action for Future project combines the efforts of 5 partners, representing different regions of Europe – Germany and Austria, Bulgaria, Norway, and Italy. The starting point of our joint effort is supporting adult education trainers in the delivery of training to disadvantaged young adults through a methodology based on design thinking and aimed at… Les mer →

Inspiration Elevator

The Inspiration Elevator partnership comprises organisations from Norway, Austria, Bulgaria and Croatia. The starting point of our joint effort is supporting youth workers in introducing, organizing and implementing design thinking processes in their daily interventions with youth at risk, which will enhance youth employability and employment prospects. In many cases, employment support interventions targeting youth… Les mer →

MiMi – Migrants’ microintegration into work and social life

An integration process can be a personal burden for a newcomer or minority member. At the same time, weakly integrated immigrants can represent a significant social and economic burden for a society. In Norway, Austria and Greece, i.e. the partner countries of this project, many organisations and government agencies are working on different aspects of… Les mer →

Enterprised – Low Qualified Adult Learners Ready for Work  

Our project emphasises on extending and developing the competences of educators and other personnel in effective teaching of low-qualified adults. By equipping adult trainers with the adequate methodological framework and resources on effective teaching (i.e. literacy, numeracy, language competences, digital skills, entrepreneurship, etc.) in line with current on-the-job realities, Enterprised aims at increasing the quality… Les mer →

Voice UP – Supporting Disadvantaged Women’s Successful Job Return

Voice UP equips adult trainers with the adequate methodology (Voice UP Guide for Training) and resources (Voice UP Online Training Activities and Voice UP Empowerment Game) in effective teaching of their courses to disadvantaged women who are trying to return to the job market. The selected concept relies on empowerment and the understanding that one… Les mer →

Wake up – Young Europeans becoming Change Makers for a better Europe

Current developments across Europe show a striking increase in populism, nationalism and a growing fear of terrorism and crime fueling xenophobia and islamophobia, as well as racism and antisemitism. A negative attitude towards refugees, migration and integration is more and more becoming «normal». Also, citizens’ growing alienation and disillusionment with mainstream politics is increasing, while… Les mer →


Discover and Use Your Skills and Civil Courage – a new way of empowerment for young disadvantaged adults in Europe. In today’s world, many European societies are characterized by an overall anonymousness, apathy and unreflected self-centeredness of their citizens, going along with a lack of values and sense of community, in particular the active awareness… Les mer →


Controverse – Innovative Delivery of Debating and «Fair Arguing» Skills in Adult Education Settings

Professionals in adult education, whether in general or professional continuing education practice, increasingly come into situations where polarizingly fought out positions on political, social or personal events trigger massive disruptions and negatively influence group dynamics to such an extent that a simple return to the actual learning topic is not possible. Be it the current topic of Corona and the regulations that apply to it or other topics: it seems in many cases that discussion, debating or arguing in the original sense no longer possible.

Our project “Controverse“ aims at improving respective competences of professionals in adult education, e.g. by developing and implementing the Controverse Experience Box (“Fair Disputes“) and the Controverse Showcases in English, German and Norwegian language.

EU-Program:Erasmus+, KA220,
Coordination:bbb Büro für berufliche Bildungsplanung (Dortmund, Germany)
Contact:Peri-Ilka Tincman
Duration:January 2022 – August 2023
Products: Norsk (

Hidden Diamonds

In Norway, Croatia and Germany, populations with migration background are not socially visible in the same proportion as people without a migration background. With regard to women, the result is even worse, even though they represent a great potential for societies, because with their special know-how as well as language and cultural skills, they have special qualifications from which politics, business and science can benefit. Women with a migration background are hardly represented in politics, public service, the media and in leadership positions in working life and thus do not serve as role models for young women with culturally diverse backgrounds. On the other hand, there are women with a migration background in all three countries who are successful professionally and/or socio-politically and can serve as inspiration and role models for other women, thus contributing to an improvement of women’s rights.

The «Hidden Diamonds» project combines the efforts of 3 partners and provides various interventions to address the current challenges in the field of adult education, gender equality and engagement of young women with migrant and minority backgrounds from different regions of Europe – Southeast (Croatia), Central (Germany) and northern (Norway).

EU-ProgramErasmus + KA220-ADU – Cooperation partnerships in adult education
Coordination:LoPe – forening for mikrointegrering
Contact:Peri-Ilka Tincman:
Duration: September 2022 – April 2024


Vote for you – increasing European migrant groups’
democratization and electoral involvement

The Vote4U Project aims at improving competences of adult education staff/professionals (teachers, trainers, coaches, counsellors) for better motivating and preparing migrant learners/clients for democratic awareness, active participation in elections and societies in general.

At the same time, we want to engage migrants themselves to become “ambassadors” for others, i.e. act as role models, convey important information and key messages, as well as pass on relevant knowledge and competences to their fellows.

Vote4U delivers a Guide for Professionals, the Vote4U Ambassadors into Action Programme and organizes for respective events to establish sustainable use and successful impact.

EU-ProgramKA210-ADU – Small-scale partnerships in adult education
Coordination:LoPe – forening for mikrointegrering
Contact:Peri-Ilka Tincman:
Duration: Januar 24 – August 25
Facebook @vote4u